Primary School Prospectus 2023 | Page 14

Early Years Education

Free education & childcare for children aged three to four All three to four-year-olds in England can get 570 free hours per year . It ’ s usually taken as 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year , but you can choose to take fewer hours over more weeks , for example .
The free early education and childcare :
• Must be with an approved childcare provider
• Stops when your child starts in reception class ( or reaches compulsory school age , if later )
Children are eligible from the term after their third birthday . The funding is sent directly from the Local Authority to your childcare provider , so it is the nursery or childminder who will claim on your behalf .
30 hours free for children aged three and four The entitlement which came into effect September 2017 , is an ‘ extension ’ of the current 15-hour entitlement , providing an additonal free 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year for children that meet the eligibility criteria . To find out if you are eligible and to apply for the extra 15 hours visit : www . childcarechoices . gov . uk
Free education & childcare for children aged two You can apply for 15 hours a week ( 38 weeks of the year ) of free education / childcare when your child turns two . Your child ’ s place will be funded from the term following their second birthday if he / she attends an approved childcare provider and you meet the eligibility criteria :
• You are on a low income from work or benefits
• They are looked after by a local council or were looked after immediately prior to a special guardianship order ; child arrangements order or adoption order
• They have a current Education , Health and Care plan
• They get Disability Living Allowance
For information on how to apply and to find out if you qualify please visit : www . ealingfamiliesdirectory . org . uk
Ealing children ’ s centres Ealing has a network of 27 children ’ s centres led by seven main centres , each offering a range of activities and access to services for young children ( pre-birth to five ) and their families such as ;
• Early education and childcare
• Out of school and play activities
• Family Support
• Parenting Support
• Family health services such as midwives , breastfeeding support and health visitors
• Back to work skills , access to training courses and volunteering
• Early Start Ealing services
Nursery classes within Ealing community schools Children generally start nursery the September after their third birthday . If there are places still available after those children have been offered and accepted , younger children will be considered and may start when they are three .
Admission is based on residency within the London Borough of Ealing . If there are places still available after those children have been offered and accepted they may be offered to children living outside the borough in accordance with the admission criteria .
Ealing community school admissions criteria If there are fewer applications than places available at the nursery everyone who applies will be offered a place .
If there are more applicants than there are places available after the admission of children with an Education , Health & Care Plan naming the school , the following criteria will be applied to determine who will be offered a place :
1 . Children who are looked after or were previously looked after Looked after children and children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to adoption , a child arrangements order , or special guardianship order . Including children who appear ( to the admission authority ) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted . ( See pg . 15 for definitions of children who are looked after or were previously looked after ).
2 . Siblings Children with a brother or sister who will be attending the main school ( not the nursery class ) at the time of admission ( see pg . 15 for definition of sibling ).
3 . Distance from home to school Other Children , with priority given to those living closest to the school . ( See pg . 15 for definition of distance ).
Waiting lists The waiting list is prioritised according to the admissions criteria . A vacancy is offered to the child with the highest priority , length of time on the waiting list cannot be taken into consideration . The position of a child on the waiting list can change when other children leave or join .
IMPORTANT : Please note that attendance in a nursery class does not give any priority to the child ( or any siblings ) for admission to the main school ( Reception to Year 6 ).
To find your nearest children ’ s centre please visit : www . ealingfamiliesdirectory . org . uk
How to apply Applications must be made directly to the nursery / school that you wish to apply for with proof of your child ’ s date of birth and home address . To register your interest for a nursery place within a school , you can complete an application form when your child is two-years-old . Details of each primary school ( indicating which of these have a nursery classes are given on pages 16-55 . For a full list of nurseries in Ealing please visit www . ealingfamiliesdirectory . org . uk
Please contact the school / nursery directly for detailed information on making an application .
14 Starting Primary School 2023