Primary School Prospectus 2022 | Page 29

Dormers Wells Junior School

Dormers Wells Lane , Southall UB1 3HX 020 8571 1230 admin @ dormerwells-jun . ealing . sch . uk www . dormerswells-jun . ealing . sch . uk
Nursery : No l Breakfast club : Yes l Afterschool club : No
DfE No : 307 / 2011 Type of school : Sponsored Academy Headteacher : Mrs Toni George Age range : 7-11 Planned admission number at 7 years : 90
Admissions criteria
The below criteria has been summarised , for the full admissions policy and arrangements please visit the school website : www . dormerswells-jun . ealing . sch . uk
Where the number of applications is greater than the planned admission number , applications will be considered against the criteria set out below .
After the allocation of children with an EHC plan , the admission criteria will be applied in the following order of priority :
1 . Looked after children or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption , residence , or special guardianship order . Including children who appear ( to the admission authority ) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted .
How places were offered in 2021
Admissions criteria
Criteria 1 to 5
Offers made on national offer day
All applicants offered
Waiting lists
Your child will be placed on a waiting list if no place is available at the time of application . Children will be admitted in the order of the admissions criteria . Waiting lists will be cancelled in July for unplaced pupils unless they refresh their application in July , have applied after the 1st June or have sibling-link within Dormers Wells Junior School .
For detailed information about the school please visit the school website : www . dormerswells-jun . ealing . sch . uk
2 . Where the child has a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission .
3 . Where the child has a brother or sister attending Dormers Wells Infant school at the time of admission .
Only a brother or sister relationship can qualify , other extended family relationships do not count . The brother or sister must be attending the school at the time when the child being considered in the application will start the school .
4 . Where there are medical grounds , supported by a medical certificate ; or social grounds , supported by a letter from a social worker , which necessitates the child attending Dormers Wells Junior School .
5 . The proximity of the child ’ s home to the school , with those living closer , as the crow flies , being accorded the higher priority . Distance is measured from a point in the property to a point in the school determined by the grid references for the centre of the school ’ s post code .
Tie Break in the event that the distances are equal a random allocation will be made .
Twins , triplets or other children from multiple births Where one of the siblings is the thirtieth child the other siblings will be admitted .
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