PRIMA Winter 2021 | Page 36


Angulus Rosae

Ruby Rose Williams
Publius Cornelius Scipio ( 236-183 BC ) was a Roman general and consul . He defeated many enemies of Rome , and brought new peoples under Roman imperium . He loved his family and wanted the best education for them , including both Roman and Greek culture . Here is a little story about his daughter Cornelia , who was the mother of the Gracchi
brothers .
Scīpiō Āfricānus vīllam Rōmānam magnam et pulchram habet . Villa Scīpiōnis hortum magnum et pulchrum habet . In hortō Pater Scīpiō et Māter Aemilia Cornēliam parvam vident .
“ Venī , fīlia ,” dīcit pater . “ Cum nōbīs ambulā .”
Cornēlia cum patre et mātre in hortō magnō et pulchrō
ambulat .
“ Pater ” dīcit Cornēlia , “ Dīc dē vītā tuā in terrīs multīs . Dīc dē Hispāniā .”
“ Hispāniā terra pulchra est . Amīcōs multōs in Hispāniā habeō ,” Pater dīcit .
“ Amīcōs in Hispāniā habēs ?” dīcit Cornēlia .
Pater ducit . Roman funerary stele . Found on the Isle Saint Jacques , France , in 1975 . Metz , Musée d ’ Art et d ’ Histoire .
“ Multōs Rōmānōs in Hispāniā sunt ,” Pater Scīpiō dīcit .
“ Bonum est ambulāre in hortō pulchrō et cum familiā dē amīcīs dīcere .”
Cornēlia parva et Māter Aemilia in hortō magnō et pulchrō ambulant .
“ Māter ,” dīcit Cornēlia parva , “ Estne pater magnus et
fortis ?”
“ Pater tuus magnus et fortis est ,” dīcit Māter . “ Mīlitēs Rōmānōs in Hispāniam et in Āfricam et in Asiam Minōrem dūxit . Carthāginem vīcit , sed Carthāginem nōn
dēlēvit .”
“ Pater meus bonus vir est ,” Cornēlia parva dīcit .
“ Vērō pater tuus est bonus vir ,” dīcit Māter Aemilia .
Latin teacher and author of 32 Latin and history books , Ruby Rose Williams holds degrees from Baylor
University and UNC-Chapel Hill . She has completed post-graduate work in Latin and Humanities at Dallas University and the University of Texas-Arlington . She has also researched at Oxford University in England , as well as the Univeristy of Pisa , Italy . Her website is www . roserwilliams . com .
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