PRIMA Winter 2021 | Page 18

Interview with Zachary Hamby

Micheal Posey
What can classical mythology teach us ?
There are so many lessons that can be learned from classical mythology , yet my favorite has to be that mythology teaches the qualities of a hero so well . So many mythic characters have a mix of heroic and nonheroic qualities . There are personality traits that we can replicate in our own lives
( bravery , perseverance , ingenuity ), but these are almost always balanced with less-thanheroic ones ( hubris , selfishness , a lack of selfcontrol ). As we read about these heroes , we learn that being a hero ourselves is a matter of developing the skills that make us better and mastering those that lead us astray .
Why are myths important and how do they influence culture ?
I always teach my students that our culture is still creating myths . Our myths don ’ t appear as epic poems ; they ’ re films , novels , and video games . Myths reflect society , and society is shaped by myth . Our stories show what we value and then provide an ideal for how to live . Superheroes are the most obvious incarnation of the ancient ideal , and the recent popularity of superhero films has made it oh-so-clear that mythic heroes are alive and well — still inspiring us to be better
people .
Where do you find yourself 10 years from
now ?
I grew up reading picture books about myths and fairy tales , and I never imagined I would have the opportunity to write a book of world myths for kids ! Recently , I was blessed with the opportunity to write a book of world myths for kids . It was kind of like my life had come full circle !
Although branching out to write general readership books was a blast , I am and always will be a teacher . So for the next ten years , I plan on continuing to write classroom materials for teachers , developing my website , and doing all I can for my own
students .
Zachary Hamby
How has teaching ( and teaching about classical mythology ) changed you ?
Teaching classical mythology has shown me that we have so much to learn from the ancient world . It ’ s so exciting to learn the differences between modern and ancient cultures , but it ’ s truly eye-opening when you realize that people have not changed all that much in 3,000 years . The struggles of ancient people are the same struggles we face today .
What do you like most about teaching
mythology ?
Mythology makes students come alive . I will contest that there is no better subject matter than mythology to engage young people today . They are drawn to its bizarre characters and situations , thrilled by its epic plots and high-adventure , and then surprised by the poignant themes that still speak to the heart of human experience .
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