PRIMA Spring 2023 | Page 30

© Tiero
R E A D Y - T O - U S E


O x f o r d L a t i n C o u r s e C h a p t e r 9 R e s o u r c e s b y M e g a n D e G r a f f
In this new feature of PRIMA , we are delighted to share resources by teachers that are effective , engaging , and ready-to-use !
This issue features three resources by Megan DeGraff for teaching Chapter 9 of the Oxford Latin Course :
worksheet on Virgil & the Aeneid worksheet on the Genitive Case test on Chapter 9
The resources are all lessons done to reinforce the Genitive Case introduced in Chapter 9 of Oxford Latin Course . The assessment is to test the student ' s knowledge of what they have learned in that chapter and previous chapters . Every assessment is cumulative , and they continue to build as more material is introduced .
You can select the print icon in the Joomag viewer to download and print these resources , or save them as a PDF .