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We read and translated many of ChatGPT ’ s original compositions , learning how to develop prompts to achieve desired results . We were all astonished . The students were impressed with what it could do in Latin ; but they also displayed a lot of wisdom when they admitted that , as a shortcut , it could undermine the learning process .
After exploring some of the capabilities of the AI , I allowed my students to use ChatGPT as a starter when composing in our next genre , narrative , provided that they edit the work , check the grammar and the word choices , and alter the AI ’ s composition to suit their own narrative needs . Only one student chose this route . He allowed , however , the generated composition to overrule his own creative ideas . He discarded his own narrative efforts and adopted the AI ’ s . He then struggled to translate his submission into English .
Clearly this route needed better guardrails . Completing compositions in class on paper with paper dictionaries is an option , but writing of this sort in a classroom is an activity that usually demands more than one class session . What would prevent a student pressed for time from using the AI at home ? After further discussion , we developed these norms for composing outside of the classroom where AI will possibly be used . Documentation of process is essential .
Require submission of : the original composition idea , all prompts given to the AI and all its generated texts edited draft with changes highlighted and explained receive and apply feedback while in the classroom Engage with the final drafts in various ways to ensure learning after submission . Martina Bex ’ s “ Nine Activites For Any Text ” is a great resource for this . Textivate is another online tool that can engage students with their own texts .
Despite these safeguards , the use of AI as a tool for composition necessarily reduces the range of effectiveness of a composition exercise for students , but not entirely . It is a time-saver , for sure , and sometimes that ’ s what ’ s needed .
John Young ( jyoung @ browning . edu ) has been teaching Latin at a boys ' prep school since 2008 . He has an MA in Latin Education from Hunter College , and he is currently pursuing a PhD from the CUNY Graduate Center . John was president of SALVI from 2018-2022 .
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