PRIMA Spring 2023 | Page 22

F E A T U R E S P R I N G 2 0 2 3
This is a maxim I often heard a former colleague of mine , Greg Crook , tell his fifth grade history students . Teach students how to read and evaluate a test , quiz , etc . with an eye to understanding the concepts more deeply ; this might mean reminding students to read glosses or notes , or to look at earlier questions or prompts that may provide context clues to help them understand the meaning of a tricky word or difficult phrase . Using the test to take the test is a strategy which helps students become more critical readers , which will eventually make them stronger writers , essentially creating a feedback loop which will build students ’ skills in the long term .
Asking “ what have you learned about this unit ?” or “ is there anything else you want to tell me to demonstrate your understanding of this material ?” allows students to reflect on their learning , and evaluate how successful they feel and what additional information may help us as teachers critique their performance . This creates trust and facilitates communication ; both of which can significantly lower students ’ anxiety around assessment .
If you would like to learn more about these topics , please see my 2020 webinar or the 2021 webinar series ( part 1 , part 2 , and part 3 ) John Bracey and I created . These webinars are from the Cambridge University Press series “ Diversity and Inclusion in the Latin Classroom .”
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