Chapter 56 337
though I would not injure him so much as to suppose the truth of it possible , I instantly resolved on setting off for this place , that I might make my sentiments known to you ."
" If you believed it impossible to be true ," said Elizabeth , colouring with astonishment and disdain , " I wonder you took the trouble of coming so far . What could your ladyship propose by it ?"
" At once to insist upon having such a report universally contradicted ."
" Your coming to Longbourn , to see me and my family ," said Elizabeth coolly , " will be rather a confirmation of it ; if , indeed , such a report is in existence ."
" If ! Do you then pretend to be ignorant of it ? Has it not been industriously circulated by yourselves ? Do you not know that such a report is spread abroad ?"
" I never heard that it was ." " And can you likewise declare , that there is no foundation for it ?"
" I do not pretend to possess equal frankness with your ladyship . You may ask questions which I shall not choose to answer ."
" This is not to be borne . Miss Bennet , I insist on being satisfied . Has he , has my nephew , made you an offer of marriage ?"
" Your ladyship has declared it to be impossible ."
" It ought to be so ; it must be so , while he retains the use of his reason . But your arts and allurements may , in a moment of infatuation , have made him forget what he owes to himself and to all his family . You may have drawn him in ."
" If I have , I shall be the last person to confess it ."