Chapter 55 326
Chapter 55
A few days after this visit , Mr . Bingley called again , and alone . His friend had left him that morning for London , but was to return home in ten days time . He sat with them above an hour , and was in remarkably good spirits . Mrs . Bennet invited him to dine with them ; but , with many expressions of concern , he confessed himself engaged elsewhere .
" Next time you call ," said she , " I hope we shall be more lucky ."
He should be particularly happy at any time , etc . etc .; and if she would give him leave , would take an early opportunity of waiting on them .
" Can you come to-morrow ?"
Yes , he had no engagement at all for to-morrow ; and her invitation was accepted with alacrity .
He came , and in such very good time that the ladies were none of them dressed . In ran Mrs . Bennet to her daughter ' s room , in her dressing gown , and with her hair half finished , crying out :
" My dear Jane , make haste and hurry down . He is come--Mr . Bingley is come . He is , indeed . Make haste , make haste . Here , Sarah , come to Miss Bennet this moment , and help her on with her gown . Never mind Miss Lizzy ' s hair ."
" We will be down as soon as we can ," said Jane ; " but I dare say Kitty is forwarder than either of us , for she went up stairs half an hour ago ."
" Oh ! hang Kitty ! what has she to do with it ? Come be quick , be quick ! Where is your sash , my dear ?"
But when her mother was gone , Jane would not be prevailed on to go down without one of her sisters .