Previews Restless Echoes by Mai Griffin | Page 15

Restless Echoes
as Sarah ’ s bedroom door opened . “ Don ’ t leave the computer on for me today , Polly , thanks ,” Sarah said , “ I ’ d rather go now , if you ’ ve finished .”
“ Fine ,” Polly grinned , “ I ’ m glad you ’ re eager , but breakfast is ready to be served ... and no – it won ’ t keep until we get back ,” she added , leading the way downstairs . Polly , although older , still insisted on doing most of the cooking and overseeing the housekeeping . Many times , she had seen Sarah totally exhausted , after coping with the amazing cases that came her way . She regarded it as her role in life to make sure , in between , that Sarah ’ s life was as serene as possible .
Half an hour later they were ten miles outside the town centre , driving along a wide road , approaching the lane that led to the estate . They encountered very little traffic and , within minutes , had entered a leafy lane , which led to the farmhouse . Just before they reached it , they turned off onto a newly tarmacked road with an assortment of different styled dwellings on each side .
Several adjoining roads carried traffic through the rest of the estate , which had been visible from the motorway . Once cattle had grazed on the grassy field that separated them . In the old days the lane used to turn at the farmhouse , through what was left of the agricultural land , to the terraced labourers ’ cottages .
Sarah commented that it was nice to see a new estate where the houses were not all the same . There were no walls separating the front gardens from the pavements and all the garage doors were a different colour . Polly thought the effect was bizarre but admitted it must make it easier to issue directions for deliveries