Previews Haunting Echoes by Mai Griffin | Page 21

Mai Griffin certainly didn’t draw, or even see. The house was on fire. Splashes of flaming orange vibrated in the windows and licked around the frame of the open door. In alarm, Clarrie hurriedly threw off the duvet and rushed to inspect the wet canvas again; perhaps the paint had run: no way! It wasn’t that wet. To her relief, the unfinished picture looked no different from when she packed up for the day. Only after checking it, was she able to get to sleep, but it was a restless night disturbed by dream snatches that melted from her memory as she awoke. When she heard heavy footsteps passing her bedroom door she guessed that the lovely Mr Lynch was on his way down to eat and, although she would have welcomed a few more minutes rest, Clarrie hastened to get up, to join her hosts for breakfast. Afterwards, they both helped to load her gear into the car. The weather seemed good but because the wind blew up so unexpectedly yesterday, Clarrie had decided not to walk to the hill. There, the road was wide with no parking restrictions, so there was no point in risking being caught in another gale. With her head in the open boot, through the windscreen, she saw Postie emerge from next door carrying a newspaper stand and she heard someone call, “Morning Mr Parker, nicer today than yesterday, thank goodness.” Well, that’s something, she thought, I needn’t call him ‘Postie’ when I next meet him in the pub! Standing on the pavement, watching her drive away, Clive gave a friendly wave… His thoughts churned. As soon as he could get away, he would follow. From the far side of the hill he would be able to approach her through the woods without being observed and be in a good position to see if anyone else was around. He didn’t allow himself to plan beyond 20