Haunting Echoes
Sarah and even living with her as companion
housekeeper, she rarely witnessed anything at first
There had been ample proof of life after death – both
Sarah and Clarrie were psychic, although in different
ways and even the police sought their help sometimes
but, knowing that the sounds in the night were not of
this world, thrilled her to the core.
When sufficiently recovered, Polly listened with
mounting excitement as Sarah recounted her dream.
“I was standing on the grass verge of a busy road
when the dream began. The nearness and speed of the
traffic woke me within what seemed like minutes. Then
I fell asleep again and gradually realised that I was in
the same place. Even in my dream I was surprised and
thought it odd to be back there, but I walked to a
crossroad where there was a signpost.”
“What did the sign say?” Polly asked breathlessly.
Sarah frowned in concentration and obviously
could not remember. Then she explained how the
hammering noise distracted her and she saw someone
nailing something to a nearby tree. Looking back along
the road, Sarah saw two people putting posters up on
each side of the road, to face oncoming traffic. They
were on the outskirts of a town about half a mile away,
beyond them. Answering Polly’s stream of questions
helped Sarah to squeeze the most out of her memory.
The people were middle-aged. They were neatly, but
not expensively dressed. The cars were not modern but
most did not look old. Sarah distinguished a Hillman
Minx exactly like one her mother drove in the early
50’s… “It looked brand new,” she added, realising that
whatever someone was trying to tell her, it was
something that had been troubling them for nearly half
a century.