Previews Ghostly Echoes by Mai Griffin | Página 23

Ghostly Echoes 6 – Sarah The car braked to a halt outside the sisters’ ivy-covered old house and Sarah realised guiltily that since the journey started she had been entirely wrapped up in her own thoughts. While waiting for her lift, earlier, after locking the back door, she explored the garden looking for signs of an intruder. Satisfied that all was well she began walking away but something made her glance back and she saw a child picking daisies on the grass: the spirit form of a little girl! As if she’d hoped to be seen, the child laughed delightedly and ran to take Sarah’s hand. “You must come with me,” she urged, pulling Sarah across the smooth lawn. Sarah looked down on the bright crown of fair curls, filled with wonder. As always at such moments she felt enormously privileged to be granted such glimpses of life beyond death. A daisy-chain necklace broke from the child’s delicate throat as she bounced with impatience at Sarah’s slow gait. “Hurry, hurry,” she pleaded. A car horn shattered the peace and the vision. Elsie, the Vicar’s wife, had arrived. Sarah stooped to pick up the linked daisies and was overcome with sadness as they dematerialised in her hand but the child needed help and would undoubtedly come again. 21