Previews Ghostly Echoes by Mai Griffin | Page 15

Ghostly Echoes 3 – Shades After Maud’s departure, while Clarrie settled in, Sarah put the final touches to the evening meal. She had tied an apron over her pale-green linen dress. She should really have changed but Sarah wanted to demonstrate that everything was ready even though Clarinda had been unusually early. Anyway, she was looking forward to discussing the events of the day and didn’t want to waste time. Over coffee later, she sympathised. The false start must have been extremely irritating but, privately, she had strong doubts about such an icy draught being possible on a hot day and was oddly disquieted about the boat arriving unnoticed. She pictured it, deserted, swaying at the end of its tether, and pondered; Clarinda’s discomfort was due either to a physical threat that she sensed intuitively, or to something spiritually unusual. If caused by psychic disturbance, Sarah knew Clarinda might not accept it as such – she laughingly maintained that one eccentric in the family was enough and always dismissed her own sensitivity and possible clairvoyance. Sarah roused herself to clear the table and Clarrie began to help, but they almost collided as Clarrie suddenly halted, to stare into the darkening garden. The eerie unease she’d perceived during the morning returned. She felt vulnerable. Was someone out there spying on them? *** 13