Preview Team Communication for Healthcare Professionals [PREVIEW] Team Communication for Healthcare Profes | Page 9
You stand at the ‘X’ in the centre of this model. You are effectively the controller of an
intersection on an important information highway.
In May 2014, a report into the challenges faced by medical directors concluded “Top
doctors need support from above, below and alongside.” I would agree, but also ask,
“Who doesn’t?” The concept of support being given from above, below and alongside
sits at the heart of the Healthy Connections Model. However, this must go hand-in-hand
with support being given to those above, below and alongside from ourselves. The
communication and behaviours required to achieve such mutual support are what we
shall explore.
The book has been written in a linear fashion where concepts are gradually developed
and interlinked. It is your choice whether to read through from start to finish or to dip in
and out of the areas which interest you the most. It will therefore be useful for you to
have an overview of the structure and the focus of each chapter.
Chapter 1: Introduction will set the scene and start you thinking about the
people and teams you work with and your greatest communication challenges.
In Chapter 2: Healthy Teams, we look at the ideal scenario. If you have clarity
on what you want then you have a better chance of making it real.
Chapter 3 is dedicated to understanding Dysfunctional Teams. If you know why
things go wrong then you are better placed to avoid these pitfalls and recognise
what needs to change.
We will look in detail at the Fundamental elements of communication in
Chapter 4 in the context of what has been covered so far and to set the scene for
the rest of the book.
Chapter 5 is dedicated to the topic of Influence and trust, with the aim of helping
you to constructively shape the opinions and behaviours of the four groups of
people defined in the Healthy Connections Model.
The content up till this point should help reduce the need for you to find yourself in
challenging Conflict and/or Negotiation situations. Chapter 6 is there to help
you further minimise instances of such difficulties and improve your abilities to
address problems when they do inevitably arise.