PREVIEW 2018-2019 Teacher Guidelines PREVIEW ENGLISH ArtLink Handbook HQ 2018-2019 - FI | Page 17
IV. National Academic and Common Core Standards
How Creative Connections’ ArtLink Program Addresses
National Academic Standards
World Readiness Standards for Foreign Language Learning*
As stated by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language, (ACTFL)* [which] continues to play a
leadership role in the development of national content standards for foreign language education.
• Interpersonal: Learners interact and negotiate
meaning in spoken, signed, or written
conversations to share information, reactions,
feelings and opinions.
• Interpretive: Learners understand, interpret and
analyze what is heard, read or viewed on a variety
of topics.
• Presentational: Learners present information,
concepts and ideas to inform, explain, persuade
and narrate on a variety of topics using
appropriate media and adapting to various
audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers. Connections
• Making Connections: Learners build, reinforce and
expand their knowledge of other disciplines while
using the language to develop critical thinking
and to solve problems creatively.
• Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives:
Learners access and evaluate information and
diverse perspectives that are available through
the language and its cultures.
• Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners
use the language to investigate, explain and
reflect on the relationship between the practices
and perspectives of the cultures studied.
• Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners
use the language to investigate, explain and
reflect on the relationship between the products
and perspectives of the cultures studied. Comparisons
• Language Comparisons: Learners use the language
to investigate, explain and reflect on the nature of
language through comparisons of the language
studied and their own.
• Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language
to investigate, explain and reflect on the concept
of culture through comparisons of the cultures
studied and their own.
*Found at:
national-standards-foreign-language- education
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• School and Global Communities: Learners use the
language both within and beyond the classroom
to interact and collaborate in their community
and the globalized world.
• Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals and reflect on
their progress in using languages for enjoyment,
enrichment and advancement.
2018 -2019 ArtLink Program “Heritage”
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