Preventing Tooth Decay Tooth Decay | Page 7

Tips to prevent tooth decay ⊷ Use toothpaste. The fluoride in toothpaste protects your teeth, which is why you need to brush your teeth using toothpaste. What brand of toothpaste should you use? Your South Harrow dentist may recommend a certain brand of toothpaste depending on the condition of your teeth. ⊷ Floss or inter dental cleaners let you clean between your teeth, something you can’t accomplish through brushing alone. By cleaning between your teeth, you can prevent tooth decay. Talk to your Sri Lanka dentist about the best products and brands to use. ⊷ One of the main tips Neem Dental gives to prevent tooth 7 decay is to pay attention to your teeth and gums. If you notice any cavities forming or discoloring, visit your dentist and have it checked out.