Preventing Infant Mortality in Georgia February 2019 | Page 4

4 Healthcare Georgia Foundation Samples of marketing materials developed for the Taking Care of You Initiative. COY adopted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Health Impact Pyramid conceptual framework and the Perinatal Periods of Risk (PPOR) framework to identify and prioritize intervention strategies and measure changes in specific aspects of infant mortality. CDC Health Impact Pyramid (Figure 1) categorizes interventions across five tiers: 1) changes in socioeconomic factors; 2) changes in environmental context; 3) long-lasting protective interventions; 4) clinical interventions; and 5) counseling and health education. Tiers 3-5 capture the priority levels of TCOY: improving risk screening for women of reproductive age, ensuring quality of care, and implementing health promotion efforts to maximize women and infant health. Figure 1. CDC Health Impact Pyramid