me again and asked if I would like to come in
sometime to see where she worked, and if I would
like to meet the doctor, Dr. Carlos Garcia, M.D.,
who runs an alternative cancer clinic, Utopia
Wellness Center. I agreed.
My meeting with Dr. Garcia and his staff
was brief, but I had time to explain who I was and
what I did. To wrap-up this meeting, I pointedly
asked him, “What can I do for you?” His response
was, “Well, let me introduce you to some patients.”
He took me back into his clinic and
introduced me to a patient. I started immediately
working on her, spiritually by understanding her
beliefs and adding energy I worked on getting her to
be “at ease”.
When I finished my session, he
turned to me ?B6?B?( ???????W&^( ?2F?RFV????P?6?6??R?Bv???BF???F???r??R6?F?F???V?F?RF?V?G2?( ??6???7F'FVBv?&???r?WB?bF??2?FW&?F?fP?6?6W"G&VF?V?B6V?FW"???&???????&7F?6P?WV?F??F?V??vRv?V?Bv?&?v?B??F?v?&???r??F?P?p??