saying the moment we brought it to their
consciousness, to their awareness, and that we were
to be in 100% agreement that the event(s) was tied
to their manifestation of their cancer, we were
able to move forward.
First, we would identify the emotional
event(s) that caused them to be “not at ease,” and
once we were able to change their view of those
situations or those events and change their emotions
bonded to those event(s), they began to heal. The
healing indicators would show up in blood tests,
various medical tests, their level of energy and
through muscle testing.
Also, in working with these patients, I
noticed there were these identifiable patterns, these
established patterns where each and every patient
would fall into a group or a category. The “mind
treatment” for that category was very similar
(usually treated through guided meditations). At
one particular time, I had an epiphany. It was my
“aha” moment, right in the middle of assisting a
patient. The idea came to me that if patients