So, here’s what I want you to do. I want you to find somewhere nice and quiet. I
want you to set aside a spot, either sitting in a chair or on the floor with a pillow, and I
want you to get super quiet and I want you to ask yourself these million-dollar questions:
What exactly is going on in my life right now? What is taking my peace away?
If you still don’t know, reflect on your family, because here is the way it works
for wellness. It’s either in the family or outside of the family or both. It’s that simple.
So it is one or the other or both. You need to reflect. If it’s outside of the family, is it
your workplace? Is it the government? National finances? Things you hear about on the
news that you should not be watching? Are you carrying the world?
What are your angers, frustrations, regrets, remorse, chaos, and dislikes that might
have recently occurred?
Here’s another question. What change has occurred? If it’s in your workplace,
is it a cultural change? You’ve got a new CEO? Do you have new policies in your
workplace? New owner? Did you read or hear about something that’s happening
nationally or globally that you’re not at peace with? Has somebody moved into your
house? Has somebody moved out of your house? Are there any issues of betrayal, real
or unreal? Is there acting up child or adult? Or, has this child or adult done something to
you deep down that you disapprove of? It might be a relationship your child is in, might
be your child’s career path, and might be something they did that you’re not proud of.
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