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Dear Abbey
Hi, my name is duncan, I am 17 years old and I live and work in the city of Toronto. I work at the Toronto transit lost and found. A few weeks ago a journal showed up and i open a page and found out what was in it. I wish I hadn't. Its a killer. He is planing his next attck. He started off small with animals but has now worked his way up to people. He has three victims ready to kill. I have brought it to the police and they pretty much just brushed it off to the side. Then just the other day the guy came in looking for the journal and I lied to him saying that it wasn't turned in. When he left I folloed him to see where he lived and I found out that. I dont know what to do anymore, I have come across a tree on the road. The police were no help and he is going to strike soon. What should I do?
Dear Duncan
Yes, you seem to be stuck in knot. Well if you brought to the police again they would probably do the same thing as before, but since you now know where he lives maybe you can get some evidence that he is up to something then bring them what you find and the evidence you have come up with. If you know who his next victims are maybe you could warn them, but be careful if you try and do that, maybe tell someone else and they will maybe help you with this. Yours Turly. Abbey
Dear Abbey
Hi my name is Jaccob, I am hating my job. Its the same old thing everyday. Nothing new, just sitting in a chair and poeple come ask for something and i just page one of the workers and they do the real work. So all I doo is sit at a desk and do nothing. It's not good for my health, I am starting to gain weight and I want to get a new job but no one wants to hire me cause this is th eonly job I have had and I have had it for years and I don;t want to stay here anymore, it sucks here! What should I do Abbey?
Dear Jaccob
I have heard something like this before. It's not unusual to get bored of your job after so many years of doing it. Then when you start to look or a new job, they look at your job recored and see that you dont have much work experience from your last employer. The best way that you can get a new job fast in going and talking to an agent, there they will find you the job. Only catch is that you wont make as much money because they take a bit of what you make since they found you the job. If you don't like that idea then i would just keep applying to many dffrent places and not get to picky on where you want to work. You will have a job in no time. GOOD LUCK Jaccob!!! Yours Truly. Abbey