By : Kirsten Brydges
Sarah Arnold has been serving patients as a physician all over the world , including two tours in Iraq with the U . S . Navy . She completed operational tours in Flight Surgery , Surface Warfare Medical Department Officer , and Fleet Marine Force and two residencies in Family Medicine and Preventative Medicine .
After a nearly 15-year career with the U . S . Navy , Dr . Arnold served as a physician with the U . S . Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and has been a Medical Officer with the FDA since 2014 .
While her life ’ s work has taken her across the globe and back again , it all started in the suburbs of Philadelphia at Gwynedd Mercy University .
“ I just felt at home at GMercyU before I even went there . So , that ’ s really why I chose to go ,” Dr . Arnold said . “ The Sisters of Mercy are committed to service and that has always been my thing . I was always interested and involved in service and service professions , so it really was a very good fit for me .”
Dr . Arnold ’ s sister was already a student at GMercyU studying early childhood education on a scholarship from The Connelly Foundation when it came time for Dr . Arnold to look at colleges . The family loved the small size and the welcoming environment but like most families , financial aid played a big part in the decision , especially with 12 children .
This is the driving force behind Dr . Arnold ’ s 20-year history of supporting GMercyU ’ s annual fund , which supports financial aid for students and important campus resources . the way I am to GMercyU . For a short period of four years , I really felt like I got a lot more than I paid for . I got a great education . I was cared for and nurtured during a very difficult time of life ,” Dr . Arnold said . “ Gwynedd really was a big help to me . Somebody donated so I could go , right ? That ’ s why I donate every year .”
With retirement just around the corner , Dr . Arnold credits her nearly 30-year career in medicine to the place where it started . It was at GMercyU where she was given not just the skills and tools to be successful at the highest level , but the encouragement to follow her dreams .
“ It really wasn ’ t until I got to GMercyU where I even entertained the idea of going to medical school . I wasn ’ t the most confident of people . I just never thought I was smart enough for it ,” Dr . Arnold said . “ Dr . Barbieri , who was the pre-med advisor , convinced me I could do it . She got me through it .”
Dr . Arnold graduated from Hahnemann University School of Medicine in 1995 . Her career with the U . S . Navy and U . S . Public Health Service earned her the rank of Captain in 2016 .
Learn more about Dr . Arnold ’ s experiences post-graduation
here .
“ I really attribute a lot of why I am