Presidential Campaign Presidential Campaign003 | Page 2

i . Immigration Plan -
Referring to Trump ’ s bogus blueprint stated on his campaign website , he declared that he would build a wall to abort the Mexican aliens from invading the US boarder and MKAE MEXICO PAY FOR THE WALL . Meanwhile , Trump would couple the ideology of constructing a wall with the revocation of some constitutional laws such as “ The Schumer -­‐ Rubio immigration bill ” and the “ Birthright Citizenship ”. Ultimately , Trump envisaged his tenet -­‐ how to MAKE AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN with the 3 predominated bedrocks to prioritize Americans :
Apparently , Trump has not only discarded his party ’ s original playbook but indeed tilted towards appealing on the prospective voters of his mother lode – the white supremacist . For Ronald Reagan who is the 40 th president of US , had won over the Hispanic population with the prestigious saying “ Latinos are Republicans . They just don ' t know it yet ” that reaped the Republican Party a record high Hispanic turnout ( Immigration Wars , by Jeb Bush , p . 206 ). Nevertheless , the idiosyncrasy of the political maverick rebounds on the Republican ’ s conventional doctrine about garnering the minority ’ s votes particularly the Hispanics as drifted as followed :
For the profound aftermath , the animosity of Hispanics towards Trump reflected on a national poll conducted by the Gallup in which a 77 % of Hispanic respondents emanated a negative view against Trump . Simultaneously , a groundswell of racial disdain against Hispanics by the white nationalists unveiled on the poll conducted by the ThinkProgess that more than half of the white respondents concurred with Trump ’ s memorandum of building the wall .