President Office Five year plan booklet | Page 3

TOP GOAL 1 : GO A L 2 : S H E N AN D O AH U N IV E RS IT Y ’ S F O UR G O AL S G OA L 3: G OA L 4: ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Make academic excellence and learning success the highest priority. A PLACE OF CHOICE Become a top choice for study, work and collaborative partnerships. RECOGNITION & REPUTATION Create an integrated marketing communications plan that is universitywide but allows for individualization of programs. ALIGN RESOURCES Develop and align resources (financial, capital and human) to enhance, promote and strengthen the university. NUMBER OF ACTIONS TAKEN TOWARD ACHIEVING OUR TOP FOUR GOALS GOAL 1 : COMPLETED GO A L 2 : COMPLETED G OA L 3: COMPLETED G OA L 4: COMPLETED 91OF 96 ACTIONS 46 OF 54 ACTIONS 20 OF 20 ACTIONS 23 OF 24 ACTIONS 95% 85% 100% 96%