Most recent measures undertaken by Uzbekistan
• On 12 October 2016 the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan had
approved the following legal framework:
- new edition of the Law “On labor protection”, which foresees
implementation of international labor standards, creation of an
enabling, safe and decent working conditions, prevention of injuries
and accidents, including through the strengthening of state and
non-governmental (public) control, empowerment of the relevant
public authorities and NGOs, trade unions.
-proposal of Acting President to ratify the ILO Convention No. 87
on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise.
- amendments to the Law “On Trade Unions, their Rights and
Guarantees of their Activities“ based on the ILO recommendations
-new law "On social services for the elderly, disabled and other
socially vulnerable categories of the population”.
• The Senate also decided to amend the following laws: "On social
protection of disabled people in Uzbekistan", "On Employment", "On
health protection of citizens", "On state pensions", "On guarantees
of child rights", "On guardianship and custody“ and etc.