Presentation boards - Referendum 2021 | Page 8

Logical consequences



If Question 1 is not approved , the district would consider the following strategies to balance the budget to account for 9.3 % of its operating budget ($ 34.5 million ).

Preliminary estimates identified approximately $ 5 million in reductions in school and district administration and support , transportation , student support and building operations .

This leaves $ 29 in potential reductions in instruction and instructional support to include :

• Changing middle school to six period day : $ 3 million

• Changing high school to six period day : $ 1 million

• Closing elementary school : $ 500 thousand

• Elementary staffing ratio ( currently 23.7:1 ) by 1 student : $ 1.7 million or 27 FTE

• Middle school staffing ratio ( currently 24.7:1 ) by 1 student : $ 875 thousand or 13 FTE

• High school staffing ratio ( currently 29:1 ) by 1 student : $ 913 thousand or 14 FTE

• Increases in class size rations

• Reductions in electives and opportunities at all levels



If Question 2 is not approved , the district would need to reduce the budget in other areas to provide technology for students in the classroom and / or be faced with not providing or maintaining the same technology tools and resources that students and classrooms have seen added over the past ten years .



If Question 3 is not approved , the programs added in schools through one-time federal funding that provide mental health and social emotional support for students will be discontinued after the federal emergency funding is expended in 2023 .