Presentation 111111 | Page 9

PRICE CONDITION LOCATION MARKETING PRICE  The original purchase cost of the property will have no affect on the sale value when it gets sold.  The longer the property is owned the less you are likely to be affected by the original purchase price. LOCATION  Location is based on individual perception and what the general reputation of an area is  The location of the property may have an impact on the price. CONDITION •The obvious conditions are the actual quality of the construction and how it holds up with time. •The ease of upkeep and maintenance during the life of the property especially impact the ability to sell. MARKETING •Realistic pricing will achieve maximum price in a reasonable time. •Buyers do not consider the seller’s financial requirements. •Houses that remain on the market for a long time could become overexposed, often resulting in a lower ultimate price being realized. •A house that is priced right from the beginning achieves the highest total net income for you. Our Focus is on: 1. Attracting as many qualif