Presentation 111111 | Page 7

An industry leader RE/MAX is the No. 1 real estate organization in South Africa – “Finweek May 2011.” Global expansion The first RE/MAX region outside the United States and Canada was the Caribbean Basin, opened in 1991. It was followed two years later by RE/MAX of Mexico. In 1995 RE/ MAX expanded into Southern Africa, Spain, Israel, Italy and Germany. Since then, RE/MAX regions have become established across Europe, in Asia and in Australia. Record RE/MAX production In 2007 RE/MAX Associates in South Africa were involved in being the first real estate agency in South Africa to report sales in excess of R20 Billion for a calendar year. Currently RE/MAX sells a property approximately every 30 seconds somewhere in the world. In 2013 RE/MAX SA reported sales in excess of R17 Billion for the year; the next closest competitor reported sales around the R13 Billion mark. Network size The revolutionary RE/MAX Concept of enabling real estate professionals to maximize their business potential has evolved into an organization of more than 88,000 Sales Associates in more than 6,331 offices and 90 countries. RE/MAX Sales Associates RE/MAX Associates, on average, lead the industry in production, experience, and professional designations. The RE/MAX Balloon logo The red, white and blue RE/MAX Balloon, with its "Above the Crowd!®" slogan, is one of the most recognizable business logos in the world. With nearly 90 RE/MAX Hot Air Balloons around the globe, RE/MAX has the world's largest balloon fleet. 40 Years "Above the Crowd!®" RE/MAX - now an established industry leader – and celebrated its 40th anniversary at the 2013 RE/MAX International Convention in Las Vegas. Young in years, but mature in experience, RE/MAX looks ahead to even greater development and success in its next forty years. Community Involvement RE/MAX of Southern Africa has started the RE/MAX Foundation. The intention of this foundation will be that individual charities and those charities selected by individual offices will become recipients of money raised by each RE/MAX Associate and each RE/MAX office. RE/MAX Central is a Platinum Founder Donor and added R20,000 to help start the initial funding of the Foundation.