Presentation 111111 | Page 12

RE/MAX Advertising The fact is that RE/MAX advertising and promotion attracts buyers RE/MAX is one of the biggest advertisers of property in the Saturday Star with approximately 10 pages of advertising every week and over 120 properties on average being exposed to buyers in this medium. However our advertising doesn’t end there, adverts are also placed in the local Caxton community newspapers as well. Every week RE/MAX Central emails all newly listed For Sale properties and Rentals to the company database. Currently this database has in excess of 26,000 buyers and is growing every month. Agents also contribute to general property awareness by inviting their database of buyers to attend showdays through email brochures, personal phone calls and SMS’ to increase awareness and attendance. Through the internet, newspaper, For Sale boards, Show Days and referrals, RE/MAX Central generates in excess of 3000 new buyers into our and the agents’ databases every month. When buyers have a choice they generally will choose to live close to where they were brought up i.e. close to their friends and relatives. These are the first group they will discuss their plans with and they help the buyers by giving them leverage. They have a number of eyes on the look-out for the right home. This makes a sign on your home critical to the home selling process. As we have mentioned, 3% of homes purchased were found through buyers or their friends having seen the for sale sign. The RE/MAX® For Sale Sign with its distinctive Red over White over Blue trademark is easily recognizable and a fundamental part of the selling process. RE/MAX is the only Agency in South Africa that utilizes a flying banner, this further promotes agency awareness and drives more consumers to our websites