Special Reminders & Summer Updates
Spiritual Life
Book Bash : �ank You !
Special Reminders & Summer Updates
If you did not receive a call , your child will attend the days you elected on the enrollment contract . We do our best to meet everyone ’ s desired days , and we feel thankful for your understanding when we cannot . Be on the lookout for PS age level play dates this summer ! �is is a fun way to connect with families on our playground before we are back to school . PS class lists will be released at the end of July ! If you are interested in serving as a Parent Connect room mom , please contact Lauren Overbeek . Our room moms are so helpful in organizing ways for families in your child ’ s class to connect and form community throughout the school year . �is includes playtime at the park a�er school , coffee meet ups a�er drop off , and even dinner meet ups or parent ’ s night out . Look for a Preschool FAQ to be sent out this summer and do not hesitate to reach out with any questions before then .
Spiritual Life
For the month of May , we will reach the end of our acrostic study of truths about Christ . Our final two are :
Y - Jesus is YAHWEH who redeems and rescues his chosen people . Z - Jesus is ZEALOUS ; he longs for our love and praise .
You could continue to review and discuss these things about Christ we have learned this school year . �e acrostic has been taken from , �e Acrostic of Jesus : A Rhyming Christology for Kids by Jonathan Gibson and Timothy Brindle . While it has been a helpful guide , we have by no means mined out all the truth contained in Gibson and Brindle ’ s catchy rhymes . �is would be well worth reading again and again with your children .
Recommended Resource : �e Good News for Little Hearts series from New Growth Press ( books can be purchased as a set or individually )
�is series of hardback , illustrated children ' s books for three-to eight-year-olds , each centered on an animal family , bring gospel help and biblical counsel to families . �e animal characters , colorful illustrations , and the real-life issues each animal family faces will captivate children . �e last page of each book contains information for parents on how God , in His Word , helps children apply biblical truth to specific issues . Together children and parents will be guided by the stories into meaningful conversations about living by faith in the details of everyday life .
Book Bash : �ank You !
We are so incredibly thankful for the work and energy put into the first-ever preschool Book Bash . What a fun and creative way for our students to explore a love of reading and stories at an early age . �ank you to Preschool Parent Connect and all of the parents who volunteered to make the event a success !