A fundemental change took place in RC two years ago, a great change. It affected the education programme.
What happened?
Zombies started to appear in the RC Campus! Ok, ok just joking. The laptop programme in RC was implemented
for the first time and now it is the 3rd year of the laptop programme.
Well, what is the “laptop programme”?
Laptop programme is the computer involved education programme. Students use laptops for education. Every
student brings their own laptop to the class.
Wait, that means we will possibly buy a new laptop! Yupeeee!
Yes, possibly, but as always there are also some rules. These rules are in the RUP (Responsible Use Policy). If
you don’t obey the rules, your computer will be taken for a week. Sad but true!
Hmm... What do the students think about the laptop programme?
According to a survey (done with 30 people from lise preps, lise 9s and lise 10s) 90% of the students said that
the laptop programme worked for their goods, while 40% of the students stated that they had difficulties getting used
to the laptop programme. 80% said that they would prefer the laptop programme for education rather than the
traditional one (books and notebooks).
And what about the teachers, what do they think about the laptop programme?
Most of the teachers look the laptop program positively. Th