When people first got into Robert College, like everybody know about fear and self distrust very well because I
else they had a hard time choosing their clubs. While went through both at the beginning of this year. When I
they were struggling with finding the perfect club for saw the poster my heart started to beat faster and faster.
them, they came across with a poster saying that there At that time I wasn’t sure if I could sing or not. I wrote my
was an RC Singers Audition. “ Maybe I should attend the name in the audition list with a huge fear and I took a big
audition.” said the ones who were interested in music but risk. But going to the auditions was not as easy as writing
they quickly changed their minds. “I can’t sing well my name on the paper. Lots of times I wanted to run off
enough to join the RC Singers team,” they thought. I from the audition but I didn’t. As time passed my hands
to shake, my voice started to crack… But at last I got into
that scary room and performed. Days past and the list hit
on. THEY CHOSE MEE! So if you think like “I don’t sing
that well.” or “I can’t get into RC Singers” don’t do that!
You can be surprised at the end. They can choose you
too. Sometimes taking risks are good. RC
Singers’ coach Koray Demirkapı says that: “ Every voice
by Selin Sabırcan
is worth to listen and has its own beautifulness.”
Anyway, the adventure began when I got into RC Singers
family. The first rehearsal was really cozy; everyone was
so warm and friendly. When we started to sing, I really
felt that I belonged there and I should be there. Even
though there were too many songs that I should learn,
they helped me to learn all those songs and I never had
any difficulties.
Prep student, also an RC Singer, Eda Topuz said: “ I
wasn’t confident about my voice when I first got into RC
Singers but they taught me how to be confident with my
voice and I’m really grateful. Also the club time goes really fun with RC Singers, yes we work hard but we always
laugh too. Everyone is great I’m really happy that I had
the opportunity to know each of them ”
Now there are days to the Czech Republic’s Competition
and we all are really excited and continue to work hard.
We had some complications but we faced them together,
as a family. Each of us had our own sacrifices for RC
Singers but at the end I’m sure that we all get our hard
works prices and become successful.
-the poster for RC Singers’ Audition