Preparing for Birth Preview | Page 9

Second Stage : Pushing

Crowning is when the baby ' s head is low enough that it is visible outside your body and no longer slides up between contractions . You may feel intense stretching or burning as the head stretches your perineum ( the skin between the vaginal opening and anus ). Once your baby is crowning , birth is generally very
Vagina opens as head crowns
Anus Perineum close . Crowning usually lasts less than 20 minutes .
Your health care provider will support your perineum and your baby ' s head as it emerges . They will often provide direction and encouragement as needed to ease baby ' s shoulders out . Generally , once the head and shoulders are out , the rest of the body emerges quickly , and your baby is born !


The appearance of the baby ' s head as it crowns can be surprising . It may look wrinkled and may or may not have hair . If the amniotic sac has not broken , a white membrane will cover the head . To minimize tearing , it is helpful to push gently or breathe out during contractions to ease the baby ’ s head out .
It is normal for a gush of fluids to come out at birth . Your baby will be wet and may have some of your blood on them . You can reach
Behavior and Feelings down and bring your baby to your abdomen to begin skin-to-skin time , where they can be covered with a blanket to stay warm . Unless there is an emergency , initial assessments of baby ' s health should be done while you are holding them .
• A surge of adrenaline can help provide renewed focus and energy .
• You may feel overwhelmed with the intense pressure and hard work of pushing .
• You may be tired , hot or sweaty .
Labor and Birth 12