Preparing for Birth Preview | Page 7

First Stage : Early Labor

About Early Labor
Early labor is usually the longest phase of first stage . You may have early labor contractions for a few days , or only a few hours . Dilation can also vary a lot . You may be dilated a few centimeters for weeks before labor begins , or start labor without being dilated at all . Along with contractions , other signs of early labor may include loose stools , increasing vaginal discharge and / or blood-tinged mucus .
Contractions Dilation
• 5 – 20 minutes apart .
• 30 – 45 seconds long .


• Contractions in early labor may start out feeling like cramps or a low backache that comes and goes .
• Gradually get closer , longer and stronger . 0 to 6 centimeters
Behavior and Feelings
• Excitement , anxiety and / or restlessness .
• You can still carry on a conversation and focus elsewhere .
Early Labor Tips
• It can sometimes be hard to tell if labor is starting . After you have passed 37 weeks , it is often helpful to ignore contractions for a while and go about your normal routine . Go for a walk , eat and drink , take a bath or shower , or rest and conserve your energy . If it is labor , your contractions will get stronger , longer and closer together .
• Once you feel confident that labor is beginning , be in touch with your support person ( s ) and health care provider .
• Be sure to stay well-hydrated .
• As contractions intensify , alternate between resting to conserve energy and being active to keep labor progressing .
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