Preparing for Birth - Australian Edition | Page 7

Labour and Birth 3

Pregnancy : An Overview

First Trimester : Weeks 1-12
Common Discomforts : nausea , fatigue , tender breasts , frequent urination , feeling emotional
bladder pubic bone
vagina / birth canal
What ’ s Happening
• The fertilised egg reaches the uterus and implants . Baby and placenta start to form .
• Baby ’ s heart begins beating around 5 weeks ( 3 weeks after fertilisation ).
• Arms , legs , fingers , toes and all major organ systems are developed by the end of the first trimester .
• A healthy diet and pregnancy vitamins are important for normal development .
Second Trimester : Weeks 13-27
Common Discomforts : constipation , backaches , bleeding or sensitive gums
What ’ s Happening
• Mother begins to feel movement / kicks .
• Baby ’ s sexual organs finalise their development . Fingernails , toenails , and eyebrows form . Baby ’ s hearing is well developed .
• Baby has a chance of survival outside the womb as early as 23-24 weeks .
• A healthy diet and exercise continue to benefit both mother and baby .
Third Trimester : Weeks 28-42
Common Discomforts : frequent urination , heartburn , shortness of breath , difficulty sleeping , stretch marks , swelling , varicose veins , haemorrhoids placenta
What ’ s Happening cervix uterus
amniotic fluid
umbilical cord
amniotic sac
• Baby ’ s brain develops rapidly and senses become well developed .
• Lungs continue to grow and mature .
• Baby puts on layers of fat .
• Most babies are head down by 36 weeks . Baby may move lower into the pelvis as labour nears ( called dropping or engaging ).
Labour and Birth 3