Preparing for Birth Australian Edition Partial Preview | Page 7
Labour and Birth: An Overview
The Stages of Labour
Labour is divided into three stages, each with unique characteristics.
First Stage Labour
Cervical Dilation
Second Stage Labour
Third Stage
First stage is usually the longest
Second stage begins when the
Third stage begins once the baby
part of labour. It begins with
cervix is completely dilated and
is born. Contractions continue
regular contractions that change the mother begins pushing. It
that cause the placenta to detach
the cervix. It ends when the cervix ends with the birth of the baby. from the uterus. It ends once the
is completely dilated. First stage
may last anywhere from a few
hours up to 24 hours or more.
Second stage may last from a few
minutes to four hours. It is usually
longer for first babies.
mother had pushed the placenta
out. Third stage may last a few
minutes to 60 minutes.
Pre-Labour vs. Established Labour
It is common to experience contractions in late pregnancy called pre-labour (or Braxton-Hicks, “warm-up”
or “false” labour). These characteristics will help you determine whether your contractions are pre-labour
or “real.” Pre-labour contractions may occur any time in the weeks or days prior to birth. This is different
from preterm labour (labour prior to 37 weeks), which needs medical attention.
Pre-labour Contractions
• May be regular or irregular, predictable or
unpredictable, vary in frequency or length.
• Do not get closer, stronger or longer.
• Slow down or stop with a change in activity,
such as resting, eating or drinking.
• Are felt primarily in the front, or on just one
part of the tummy (sometimes just one half).
Labour Contractions
• Are usually regular and predictable.
• Get steadily closer, stronger and longer.
• Do not lessen with activity or eating/drinking
but may increase in intensity by being active.
• Are often felt in the front and back; if just
front or just back, contractions are usually
symmetric on both sides.
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