Prepared for Day One | Page 22

processes for EPPs.38 Annual reports and comprehensive reviews will also be managed using this portal.39 Interim Reviews The 2014 SBE policy also creates an interim review process. Data from the annual reports will be used to initiate interim reviews when an EPP is identified by the TDOE as “persistently performing below expectations.” Turn to page 36 for our recommendations to develop a clear process for reviewing and approving EPPs. Interim reviews, which are to occur annually, provide an opportunity for EPPs to coursecorrect their performance before their comprehensive reviews every seven years. The TDOE was scheduled to determine all aspects of the interim review by the end of May 2016.40 As of September 2016, the interim review policy is still under development. The department has provided some examples of these criteria that members of the SBE could eventually vote on, including an EPP falling below expectations on three or more metrics in one annual report or any metric in three consecutive annual reports. The TDOE is also exploring options for what interim reviews could include, as they may involve the development of an improvement plan or an on-site visit. Interim reviews will be conducted only after EPPs have reported at least two years of data. The TDOE is currently developing a timeline for the first set of interim reviews. 23