Prepare for Rain Volume 1, April 27, 2015 | Page 4

human doing


human being

You've heard it, right? We come into the world as a

human being, but then once we grow up we turn into a human doing. There’s truth to that. We feel the truth of it, because we’re living it. Seeing it. You don’t have to look very far.

Maybe no further than the mirror. Our work world easily mutates until it becomes outsized. And we risk losing touch with our human nature. We get busy. Really busy. In fact, insanely busy. Running from one thing to the next. Creating long lists of things that must be done…if only we could find the stinking list again! And while we’re at it, we’d like to find the missing

Costco card and mailbox key (both currently lost in our house). Frankly, who would debate this? The tyranny of busyness is a real, debilitating 1st world problem. I've railed against the business of busyness in several blogs, as well as my books. It is true: we’re too busy.

The results are everywhere.

Human Doing