Prenatal Care Book 2023 | Page 59


The decision about how you will feed your baby is an important one . Overwhelming evidence confirms that breast milk is the best food for your baby . Breast milk contains the perfect amount of vitamins , fats , sugars , and proteins for a growing infant . Breastfeeding provides protection against infectious diseases , especially diarrhea , respiratory tract infections , and ear infections . The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all infants be breastfed for the first year of life . Although breastfeeding is natural , it doesn ’ t always feel that way at first . Ask for help in the early days , and be patient with yourself and your baby .
Babies are very sleepy after their first hour of skin to skin and first feeding . Most women have just the right amount of milk for their newborn . Early skin to skin helps your baby use his or her innate and instinctive skill to achieve a good latch . That first feeding of breast milk is especially important for your baby .
Babies do not eat on a regular schedule . They cluster their feedings , and after the first four to five days , they should eat 8-12 times in a 24-hour period . Avoid early introduction of pacifiers , artificial nipples , or bottles and supplements with formula . These can interfere with the baby learning to nurse well , decrease the benefits of the breast milk , and reduce your milk supply later .
Breastfeeding offers many health benefits . Working mothers are able to continue breastfeeding by pumping their milk and storing it for daytime feeding .
Lactation ( breastfeeding ) counselors are available . Your doctor will direct one of our trained lactation counselors to visit you during your postpartum stay and assist you in getting started with breastfeeding . These counselors can answer any of your breastfeeding questions . We also encourage you to enroll in a breastfeeding course during your pregnancy . Attend a breastfeeding support group to learn from other mothers who are breastfeeding . Visit our support group website at uabmedicine . org / women / breastfeeding-support . You may also contact our Lactation Department at 205-975-8334 for assistance . uabmedicine . org 57