Create great
living places
and improve
daily life for
About Saint-Gobain
Saint-Gobain designs, manufactures
and distributes materials and solutions
which are key ingredients in the
wellbeing of each of us and the future
of all. They can be found everywhere
in our living places and our daily life: in
buildings, transportation, infrastructure
and in many industrial applications.
They provide comfort, performance
and safety while addressing the
challenges of sustainable construction,
resource efficiency and climate change.
In sub-Saharan Africa, Saint-Gobain
supports the development of the region
by providing a range of solutions and
services tailored to local demand.
The Group aims to be a driver in
the development of the local fabric
through the services and solutions
it delivers to improve living comfort
for the greatest number of people.
By creating local employment, by
offering training, through industrial
partnerships and through the actions it
implements to support the development
of local communities, Saint-Gobain is
committed to broadening horizons.
In 2014, Saint-Gobain created a trade
office in Accra. In 2015, the Group opened
a new admixture manufacturing plant.
The plant is situated at Tema Community
near the main shipping harbour. It aims
to capitalise on the growing markets for
real estate, infrastructure development
and construction while supporting the
President’s campaign in patronizing
made in Ghana goods. makes a real difference to your quality
of life – as well as reducing your energy
Optimizing Daily Comfort • Thermal
• Acoustic
• Visual (aesthetic, with optimised use
of natural light)
• Air quality and
• Security and modular (to adapt to
changing needs)
We typically spend 90% of our time
inside. The buildings we live, work and
play in have a huge potential effect
on our health and overall sense of
comfort. But how often do we pause
to consider how they actually perform?
In buildings, access to natural light, fresh
air and outside views has been shown
to make people feel more energetic and
inspired. This typically results in higher
test scores at school, better productivity
at work and faster healing times in
hospitals. In medical environments, less
noise has been shown to reduce blood
pressure and stress levels, leading to
better sleep patterns and even reducing
the need for pain medication.
As a homeowner, you can use SAINT-
to create spaces that work for you and
the way you live your life. A living and
breathing healthy home that helps to
protect your family’s wellbeing and
Designed to minimise environmental
i m p a c t s , t h e S A I N T- G O B A I N
MULTICOMFORT programme focuses
on five types of comfort:
In addition to being good for You, the
principles developed by Saint-Gobain
help protect the environment too.
Contact our Teams
Kapito Westtar
2nd Floor Dahoma Place 21 Spintex Road
Tel: +233243200700
Email: [email protected]
Akai Stan
2nd Floor Dahoma Place, 21 Spintex Road
Tel: +233 (0) 302 81 49 25
Mobile: +233 54 (0)54 0123003
Email: [email protected]