Premiere San Antonio Show Preview 2023 | Page 40


Lead Like a Champion ! - How to Retain , Motivate , & Grow Your Dream Team
Inspiring Champions featuring Lauren Gartland SUNDAY 10:00 - 11:15a I MONDAY 10:00 - 11:15a I ROOM 225A Do you struggle to motivate your team ? Are you challenged finding ways to maximize your team ’ s results ? Do you want to be a more effective leader ? You will learn the 3 types of individuals you can hire , how to conduct empowering 1-on-1 coaching sessions using a 6-step system that will enable you to unleash your team ’ s performance and results .
Top 3 Ways to Increase Your Cash Flow & Profit !
Inspiring Champions featuring Lauren Gartland
SUNDAY 12:00 - 1:15p & 4:00 - 5:15p I MONDAY 12:00 - 1:15p I ROOM 225A Are you making the amount of profit you desire ? Do you have a profit goal ? Is your business where you want & need it to be ? If not , we have the solution ! Learn 3 proven ways to increase your profit , the top 2 areas of your business that lead to salon closure , the 3 ways you should be compensated as a business owner , and our proven “ Rent Justifier ” system to balance your budget & make a profit .
Double Your Income Now ! - How to Generate $ 100K to $ 200K Working SMART
Inspiring Champions featuring Lauren Gartland SUNDAY 2:00 - 3:15p I MONDAY 2:00 - 3:15p I ROOM 225A Would you like to work less and earn more than you ever have before ? Learn how to add $ 100 to $ 400 + to your book every day , boost your average service ticket per client by 25 % to 40 %, increase your income by $ 10,000 to $ 30,000 in 12 months or less , and a success formula to gross $ 100K to $ 200K per year , every year .
How to Hire When No One Wants to Work
High Performance Salon featuring Jason Everett & Shawn Stearns SUNDAY 11:30a - 12:30p I ROOM 301A Master the art of attracting perfect stylists by speaking their language and discover the secret sauce for a rock-solid recruitment process that captures the best talent in town . We ’ ll empower you to ignite team success with compelling conversations that inspire and unite your staff .
For additional classes with High Performance Salon > see page 36
The Business Side of Beauty
Matrix featuring Justin Gold SUNDAY 4:00 - 5:00p I MONDAY 1:00 - 2:00p I ROOM 221D In this in crash course , beauty business coach and salon owner Justin Gold shares his experience and proven best practices for salon success . Are you ready to transform your salon business from ordinary to EXTRAordinary ?
For additional classes with MATRIX > see pages 9 & 13
Salons that Scale : 7 Steps to 6 and 7 Figures
Empowering You Consulting featuring Amy Carter (@ amycartereyc )
SUNDAY 10:00 - 11:00a I ROOM 302B It ’ s time you scale to six and seven figures ... Let ’ s make your dreams of growth a reality . We ’ ll show you how and where to put a piece of your profits so you can guarantee a strong financial future . Ideal for owners hungry for long-term growth strategies . You will learn : plan for profit roadmap , secrets and strategies to scale to 6-7 figures and beyond , build a client attractor system and master simple money making tools .
Charge with Confidence , Charge Your Worth
Empowering You Consulting featuring Amy Carter (@ amycartereyc ) MONDAY 12:00 - 1:00p I ROOM 302B It ’ s time to ditch the bad habits that hold you back from your own success . Learn effective ways to increase prices so you can make the most for your time . Say hello to a bright financial future . This session is a must-see for Owners and Service Providers ready to maximize profits .
Money Making Machine
Empowering You Consulting featuring Amy Carter (@ amycartereyc )
MONDAY 2:00 - 3:00p I ROOM 302A Do you dream of a successful salon , cashing the paycheck you deserve , and seeing a clear path to profits every month ? Make that dream a reality as we dispel myths about salon and spa ownership and set the wheels in motion on your money-making machine . Salon and Spa owners who are ready to earn the paycheck they deserve should not miss this session .
■ Create your roadmap to profits and a paycheck you deserve
■ Simple secrets to creating a resilient business and team
■ Learn the biggest mistakes owners make and what to do about it