Johnny B . Get Technical : Clipper Cutting
Johnny B . featuring Gabriel Quinones SUNDAY 3:30 - 4:30p I MONDAY 1:30 - 2:30p I ROOM 217D In-depth instruction by veteran Johnny B . educators ensures participants walk away with an enhanced knowledge of the skills required for today ’ s grooming trends . Hone the clipper over-comb technique , blending , line-ups and styling while learning detailed product knowledge from one of the leading men ’ s lines in the industry . The class also features a full men ’ s shave portion .
For a hands-on workshop with JOHNNY B > see page 38
Bridging the Gap Between Barbering & Cosmetology
Hattori Hanzo Shears featuring Trevor Moots (@ TailorFade ) SUNDAY 11:00a - 12:00p & 3:30 - 4:30p I ROOM 217A MONDAY 11:30a - 12:30p I ROOM 217A In this class you will discover techniques that can be applied to conquering any type of short hair . Trevor will teach how to create a barber finish while combining techniques using shears ! Whether you are new to short hair or experienced , you will take away new skills to add to your arsenal and feel confident approaching any short haircut . This class is something you don ’ t want to miss !
For additional classes with HATTORI HANZO SHEARS > see page 17
Lose the Fear of Fading
L3VEL3 featuring Corey Jamel Sturkey (@ bonezdagoat ) & Barbero Bengie (@ barberobengie ) SUNDAY 9:30 - 10:30a I MONDAY 11:30a - 12:30p I ROOM 217D L3VEL3™ is a brand built by the Artist for the Artist . Our mission is to provide professional grooming products that deliver guaranteed results . Our Artists are the heart of our brand , inspiring every ethical and innovative move we make . Our work ethic is to have mutual respect , trust , loyalty , and passion . Working daily to uplift the barbering industry to the highest level . Our Goal is to shake up the men ’ s grooming industry , making High Quality products accessible to general consumers . Our roots date back to 2011 , when we were first motivated to bring men ’ s grooming into the spotlight . We saw many brands focused on women ’ s beauty products and the salon industry , but a real lack of high-quality options for men and barbers .
Join @ bonezdagoat & @ barberobengie for a jam-packed barber session , highlighting the newest and hottest trends in the industry !
For additional classes with L3VEL3 > see page 11
The Art of Barbering The SuccessAddict Way
Danny Amorim (@ successaddict )
MONDAY 3:30 - 4:30p I ROOM 217B Come watch Danny Amorim “ aka ” the SuccessAddict show you his top and tricks on Male Grooming . In this presentation , you will learn about clippers , trimmers , motor types , proper consultation , fading techniques , mechanical shear techniques , beard grooming / sculpting and how to turn your time into money .
Danny Amorim is a master barber , platform artist and instructor known for his ever-changing facial hair looks . He is also the owner of three Klippers Barbershops based in New Jersey .
Gentlemen Republic featuring Chuy Filoso (@ chuyfiloso ) SUNDAY 1:30 - 2:30p I MONDAY 1:30 - 2:30p I ROOM 225C Join Gentlemen Republic as we elaborate on common mistakes behind the chair that make us fear certain haircuts . We will break down the 3 simple zones of a haircut and how to simplify a difficult haircut with a combination of clipper work and international sectioning .
For additional classes with GENTLEMEN REPUBLIC > see page 11