Premiere Orlando Show Preview 2023 | Page 40


Hair Loss Solutions Uncovered / Weaving vs Hair Replacement Systems
Sharon ’ s Total Hair Transformation featuring Sharon Reams SATURDAY 11:30a - 12:30p I ROOM W308B Are you struggling to find the best solution for your clients with thinning hair or permanent hair loss ? Led by Sharon Reams , renowned platform artist & international hair loss and replacement expert , you will learn when to use hair weaving and when to opt for hair replacement . Hair replacement is not a one size fits all , and these techniques must be done correctly to avoid irreparable damage to your clients and your reputation . This class is a chance to elevate your skills , increase your revenue , stand out from the competition , and give your clients a new sense of confidence with touchable , natural-looking hair with long-lasting results .
Mastering the Cutting Techniques of Hair Replacement Systems for Flawless Results
Sharon ’ s Total Hair Transformation featuring Sharon Reams SUNDAY 9:30 - 10:30a I ROOM W308B Unlock the secrets to natural-looking hair replacements with Platform Stylist and International Hair Loss & Hair Replacement Expert , Sharon Reams ! In this class , you ’ ll get to watch a live demonstration of how to create the perfect blend and taper using a hot razor and thinning shears . Experience the results for yourself and elevate your skills , as you watch Sharon do a blend and taper on a live model , so that you can see , touch , and feel the difference for yourself .
Stop Shaving Your Clients Heads for a Hair Replacement System
Sharon ’ s Total Hair Transformation featuring Sharon Reams MONDAY 11:30a - 12:30p I ROOM W308B In this class , you will learn glue-less unit attachments for your non-surgical hair replacement systems . no longer will you have to shave your clients head or apply braids just to attach your systems . This braid-less technique will allow your systems to lay flatter and look more natural . Seeing is believing .
Hair Loss Boot Camp
Zenagen featuring Jared Reynolds SUNDAY 11:30a - 12:30p & 4:00 - 5:00p I ROOM W222A Join Jared and learn innovations of female and male hair loss . Root cases , and new ways to treat and care for hair .
Beauty with Bravery
Zenagen featuring Chad White MONDAY 1:00 - 2:00p I ROOM W222A Zenagen presents Beauty with Bravery . In our time together we will discuss the what , why , and how Zenagen is a real and botanically based solution to hair loss . Then let ’ s talk about the difficult topic of hair loss and how to create a safe and trust-based environment for that conversation using Zenagen .
For an additional workshop with Zenagen > see page 83
Boost Your Clients Confidence !
PureO Natural Products featuring Nicole Shuler SATURDAY 3:30 - 4:30p l MONDAY 3:30 - 4:30p I ROOM W308B Our advanced Natural hair loss remedies are bound to be a must-have for all salons and hair loss professionals who want to give their clients hair strength , suppleness , and longer shine without using excessive products . We will show you how to harness the benefits of Ozone light therapy , that targets hair penetration at the root level to stimulate a healthy scalp environment that promotes hair growth . Our method is the perfect choice to strengthen and nourish the hair and scalp safely and effectively . This therapy will halt the progression of hair loss , while maintaining overall hair health . Additionally , we show you how to stand out in the competitive salon market , effectively and productively becoming a hair loss professional generating new steady income while helping your client .
For additional classes with PureO Natural Products > see page 33