Premiere Orlando Show Preview 2023 | Page 35

100 x 100 : 100 New Haircut Clients in 100 days
Ivan Zoot (@ IvanZoot ) SATURDAY 10:00 - 11:00a I ROOM W307A 100 New Haircut Clients in 100 days . Any day can be day one . Ivan ’ s proven system for new client acquisition will put new clients in your chair and boost your bottom line . Nothing costs less and nothing works better for building your business .
Knowledge Destroys Fear
DJ Muldoon (@ Danieljosephmuldoon ) SUNDAY 1:00 - 2:00p I ROOM W315A Creativity is encouraged through knowledge and skill with form , function and flow as its basis . Learn the what , why , how and when within haircutting .
For an additional workshop with DJ Muldoon > see page 77
The No-Blend Classic Taper Cut
Ivan Zoot (@ IvanZoot ) SUNDAY 10:00 - 11:00a I ROOM W307A Blending is hard . Blending takes a lot of time . How about if you had a way to cut a classic taper clipper cut without the need to blend as a separate step ? blending step ? How about if you got the blend for FREE , automatically ?
Secrets of the Guinness World Haircutting Records
Ivan Zoot (@ IvanZoot ) MONDAY 12:00 - 1:00p I ROOM W307A Ivan shares the system he developed in his successful bids to break the three Guinness World Haircutting records . Apply these principles and techniques to your work to increase efficiency , productivity and profits behind your chair .
Beyond the Fade
Olivia Garden featuring Ricardo Santiago SUNDAY 9:30 - 10:30a I ROOM W414C Learn to master your men ’ s cuts by understanding balance and symmetry using the right tools for the right job . Take your seamless blends and combine them with longer length for that perfect flow ! Develop structure by learning what points of focus will give your clients a haircut that best suits their face and head shape .
For additional classes with Ivan Zoot > see page 58 & 94
Structure and Style
American Crew SUNDAY 9:00a - 6:30p l MONDAY 9:00a - 5:00p l Booth 3843 Come experience our NEW education , ACED , perfect the most desired men ’ s looks from the # 1 men ’ s styling brand ! Join us as we are celebrate our styling pucks . Let us help you choose the puck for you .
Victory Barber & Brand featuring Matty Conrad (@ mattyconrad ) SATURDAY 12:00 - 1:00p l SUNDAY 12:00 - 1:00p I ROOM W307C Victory Barber & Brand founder Matty Conrad returns to the classroom to entertain and inspire you with his best tips and tricks for learning to be a master of men ’ s grooming .