Grey Coverage and Grey Blending
Sherry Ratay , Inc . featuring Sherry Ratay (@ SherryRatay ) SATURDAY 12:00 - 1:00p l Room W414A Sherry will incorporate grey coverage and blending with different haircolor formulas and applications . It will include when and why to choose a Permanent haircolor over a Demi-permanent and the visual end results with each application and formula . You will have a better understanding of the Theory of Haircolor , the 5 ways to alter the hair with haircolor , PH scale , grey coverage with permanent and demi permanent haircolor , and grey blending for men .
Voluminous Boho Style
Alexandra Wilson (@ alexandralee1016 ) SATURDAY 3:30 - 4:30p l SUNDAY 4:00 - 5:00p l Room W414D In this class you ’ ll learn a voluminous boho inspired style . You ’ ll learn how to prep , how to maximize volume throughout the style as well as proper product knowledge . Utilizing the proper products is crucial for creating texture and maintaining volume .
Root Shadow - Get Down to the Root of It !
Sherry Ratay , Inc . featuring Sherry Ratay (@ SherryRatay ) SUNDAY 10:00 - 11:00a l Room W414A Learn how to create a root shadow and blend to create the perfect blend from dark to light . You will learn the WHY ’ s for creating the root shadow and blend , which hair color tool to reach for when creating your visual end result . As well as apply your application with “ BOTH ” bowl , brush , and bottle , when to use one over the other . Sherry will help you understand the importance of light and dark , without depth you cannot create dimension or balance within the hair
Tools to Create Seasonal Haircolor Change
Sherry Ratay , Inc . featuring Sherry Ratay (@ SherryRatay ) MONDAY 10:00 - 11:00a l Room W414A Are you unsure of the red tones to add to your clients haircolor ? Why does the skin on that brunette look washed out ? Your client wants a particular look but you are unsure if you should do it ! Sherry will help you take your clients into their seasonal change by thinking “ outside the box ” during your consultation . She will share with you what to look for in each client including their skin tone , eye color , personality , and profession .
For an additional workshop with Sherry Ratay > see page 78
Butterfly / Wolf / Bixie Haircut
Ashlee Norman Hair featuring Ashlee Norman (@ ashleenormanhair ) SUNDAY 11:30a - 12:30p l Room W414A Never before available in the US ! Watch and learn how to get effortless styles and healthier hair with damage free devices as celebrity stylist , Andrea Jaclyn demos and talks why she has converted her Beverly Hills salon to Exclusively only Bioprogramming . Listen to Beauty Tech ’ s Education Director , Caitlyn Lily , tell you how she added $ 20,000 to her annual salary by retailing Bioprogramming devices and products in her Ohio salon ; all while she holds a Hairbeauron CURL on a model ’ s hair for 15 minutes .
Balayage vs Foilayage
Ashlee Norman Hair featuring Ashlee Norman (@ ashleenormanhair ) MONDAY 11:30a - 12:30p l Room W414A Do you Struggle with over-foiling ?! Ever since the Trend of Open-Air Painting became popular - we ’ ve been struggling with creating the look of Balayage ( Dimensional Ribbons + Ombre + Money-Piece ) while still achieving the lift of a traditional foil service . This class breaks down not only the theory of placement and technique but also dives deep into the factors of Lift , PH scale , Texture , & more . If one technique is a Book , consider this class the book shelf that will finally organize your knowledge of Highlighting Methods .
Kristi Day (@ DropDeadKristi ) MONDAY 2:00 - 3:00p l Room W307B Come learn from vivid color and extension specialist , Kristi Day @ dropdeadkristi as she shares how to give your clients dynamic color options , and grow your business using creative extension placement .