87K database
Email Marketing Exclusive
$ 3,000 Distributed in May $ 2,300 Distributed in April Create your own custom designed email , which will be sent once to Premiere ’ s database of 87K . Email designed by sponsor in HTML code or as a JPEG image and is subject to approval .
Email Marketing Banner
$ 750 Place your banner proudly on official show emails sent to over 87K . Capture customers ’ attention before they arrive .
YOUR EVENT MESSAGING MATTERS Pre-Show & Digital Sponsorship
209K visits
Banner $ 750 | Push Notification $ 1,000 * Advertise on the official Premiere Orlando App . Drive traffic to your booth and reach a wide target audience . * Maximum purchase of 1 per day .
45.1K followers 32.2K followers
Social Media Post
$ 850 Facebook | $ 850 Instagram Promote your company or product on Premiere Orlando ’ s social pages - plus , NEW bonus exposure on our website . Engage with customers and create excitement before or after the show .
166K subscribers
YouTube Video
$ 750 Videos are a powerful marketing tool ! Promote your participation at the show on Premiere ’ s YouTube channel and connect with over 166K subscribers . Video provided by sponsor must be relevant to participation at the 2022 show .
Website Advertising
Interior Page Banner $ 500 / month Capture your target audience before the show ! Banner location available on high traffic pages of the Premiere Orlando website .
WANT MORE ? WE GOT IT ! Visit us at premiereorlandoshow . biz for a full list of promotional opportunities , plus :
Photos and sample images Up-to-date locations Current availability Recently added items
premiereorlandoshow . biz | 407.265.3131 x1 | sales @ premiereshows . com
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