Amelia Fugitt
Platinum Card
MONDAY 12:00 - 12:45p Learn the theory and technique behind a Platinum Card application to create a show-stopping and healthy , roots-to-ends , platinum blonde .
chita Beseau , Ira pope sage , ammon carver & Jamie DiGrazia
Social Art House
Cut and Color in Your Headspace
SUNDAY 2:00 - 2:45p What ’ s in your headspace ? Ira ’ s headspace is haircutting – he will share his unique perspective on precision cutting utilizing his Clock Cutting Method . Chita ’ s headspace is reimagined color – she will show you how to create results that look like art with color placement techniques for the creative haircuts .
Come As You Are
MONDAY 2:00 - 2:45p Join the Social Art House Team as they walk you through today ’ s definition of beauty , the conversations to have with our clients so that they feel seen , safe , respected , and celebrated in being themselves and expressing all aspects of their identities .
Presley Poe
Interactive Cutting
SUNDAY 1:00 - 1:45p Join Presley to learn how to use your client ’ s head shape to your advantage , how to cut very little hair for a major impact and fundamentals that work like a charm !