Bonika Shears featuring Robin DeMarchi
5 Fast , Easy and Fun Dry Cutting Techniques
SUNDAY & MONDAY 10:00 - 11:00a • C170
Discover novel techniques that will perk up your style and increase your speed . Discover new tools that will make your haircutting even faster . Leave this class with an arsenal of fast trendy haircut techniques to use every day in the salon .
You will learn :
• Killer curtain bangs
• Radical bob and twistie cut
• Chipping and sharp shaving
• Swoopy ” technique
• Frothy layers
Robin DeMarchi is a stylist from Beckley WV . She worked for two manufacturers and does motivational speaking . She has trained in cutting , coloring and even shear sharpening with the industry ’ s greatest educators . Robin loves making the stylist ’ s job easier and more lucrative .
Featuring Bonnie Megowan
How to Start a Business Sharpening Hair Shears
MONDAY 2:00 - 3:00p • D284
Discover how to start a rewarding business sharpening hair shears . Work part-time as a “ side hustle ”, or a full-time high-income career . Bonnie ’ s book , “ Sharpening Hair Scissors ” has helped hundreds along this lucrative path .
TEAL featuring Ryan Teal
Color Cutting
SUNDAY 12:00 - 1:00p • C170
The perfect hairstyle is only achieved when the hair color complements the haircut . Learn how to bring the same artistic techniques from hair cutting to hair coloring . Watch as we dissect the nine basic haircutting techniques and shapes and see how we complement each one with the perfect flow . 9 out of 10 Doctors recommend this class for everyone that loves making money doing hair .
No Fail Haircutting
MONDAY 2:00 - 3:00p • C170
Have you ever cut the perfect cut and it just didn ’ t seem like it was everything they wanted ? Are you tired of having clients tell you how “ they ” want their hair cut ? Would you like to fall back in love with hair cutting ? Join Ryan TEAL as he dissects the two-step process of the consultation that has helped him grow his clientele exponentially .
Known as a legendary platform artist as well as industry icon , Ryan TEAL has built his reputation by being outspoken in support of the Hairdressing community . His absolute love for all things creative is only matched by his desire to see hairdressers become more successful . A well-accomplished and award-winning salon and school owner , session , and stage artist , he ’ s also a passionate teacher who openly shares his vision and inspiration , while keeping everything salon friendly .
For additional classes with TEAL > see page 24
You will learn in this class what skills , equipment and training are needed to sharpen high end beauty shears successfully . You will also learn about beauty shears and why the shear sharpening business is so specialized . Watch as a shear is sharpened in the class .
Bonnie authored “ Sharpening Hair Scissors ” and “ DIY Care of Stylist Shears .” Her credentials include “ Master Sharpener ” certification with the NBTSG and training from various international scissor factories . Sharpeners throughout the world have been trained by Bonnie . She is the owner of Bonika Shears and has an extensive YouTube channel following .
T ’ s Chair featuring Terrence Manning
Curly Girl Smooth
SUNDAY 10:00 - 11:00a | MONDAY 12:00 - 1:00p • D283
Learn Terrence ’ s curl cutting techniques and how smooth it looks blown out . Learn this transitional technique that allows a client to wear it in a full curl cut .
Terrence Manning is well known for his work for the New England Patriots and celebrities around the country . He is a national educator for Hattori Hanzo Shears and a former national educator for Pravana .
The Fab Four featuring Taylor Jameson , Francesca Rivetti , Albie Mulcahy and David Kinigson
Come Together & Cut Together
SUNDAY 4:00 - 5:30p • D284
Each “ Come Together & Cut Together ” class is a 90-minute haircutting journey filled with inspiring and practical technical takeaways each professional in attendance will share with confidence to their clients and guests when they return home to their salon . ALL haircutting ! NO round brushes . NO product overuse . NO curling irons . Just shears , comb , sections , hands , a lot of heart and soulful inspiration , with over 160 years combined of Four Fab career experience .
Taylor Jameson , Creator of Rock the Razor , approaches classic Sassoon shapes with her Bohemian system utilizing the straight razor . Taylor hails from Scotland and has traveled USA and Canada and is an award-winning platform artist .
Francesca Rivetti is originally from the UK and is a NAHA winner , as well as a five-time NAHA nominee in various categories . She is renowned for her teaching skills as an editorial , innovative hairstylist , and educator . She always leaves her audience wanting more .
Albie Mulcahy reimagines the personalized , one-of-a-kind Sahag inspired Dry-Cutting Method designed with the individual in mind . Albie was previously Director of Education for John Sahag product line .
David Kinigson considered one of our industry ’ s most eloquent speakers , is an award-winning NYC A-list haircutter , independent educator , and editorial session stylist . He is the author of the acclaimed The Haircutter ’ s Handbook and The Power of Asking What ?