Premiere Columbus Day of Show 2024 | Page 28


Time is Money – Efficiency and Productivity for Haircutting Professionals
IVAN ZOOT (@ ivanzoot )
SUNDAY 9:30 - 10:30A • ROOM D282
Blending efficiency , productivity and profitability will maximize your income behind your haircutting chair . Reduced stress , increased client satisfaction and retention will be your rewards . Ivan shares the system he used to break world haircutting records that you can adapt to your day to day to boost your bottom line .
Modern Blending
IVAN ZOOT (@ ivanzoot )
MONDAY 3:30 - 4:30P • ROOM D282
The number one challenge in men ’ s grooming is blending . Ivan shares the secrets to effective and efficient haircut blending with modern tools and techniques . Better blending will improve customer satisfaction , client retention and new client referrals . The confidence that comes with better blending can translate to a bigger bank balance , too .
Future Maker The Classics Vol II
SUNDAY 2:00 - 3:00P • ROOM D284 MONDAY 2:00 - 3:00P • ROOM D284
These classically inspired men ’ s haircuts have withstood the test of time . They are still popular today because they look great and are easy to style . Whether you want a professional look or want modern vintage hair to go with your leather jacket and tattoos , these are some of the best classic cuts for today .
Johnny B Get Technical : Clipper Cutting
SUNDAY 2:00 - 3:00P • ROOM D282 MONDAY 12:30 - 1:30P • ROOM D282
This in-depth instruction ensures participants walk away with an enhanced knowledge of the skills required for today ’ s grooming trends . Hone clipper over comb techniques , blending , line-ups and styling .
28 | @ premierebeautyshows